White collar office workers, too, have come under criticism recently for robbing their bosses of their full-time services. 近来,白领职员也由于不为老板全天服务而受到批评。
The 21-year-old noticed that many white collar workers are either too busy or too tired to pick up fresh products at morning markets. 21岁的他发现很多白领不是太忙就是太累,所以根本没法去早市挑选新鲜产品。
10. White collar workers doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant. 10、在政府部门从事简单重复工作的白领也像农场工人、公共汽车司机和商店职员一样大脑细胞容易收缩。
The other 48%, though, think that robots will displace huge numbers of white and blue collar workers in the next 10 years, which would not only leave people unemployed but which could disrupt social order. 有48%的受访者认为,未来10年里,机器人将会取代大量白领和蓝领工人。这不仅会导致大量人口失业,还会导致社会失序。
Organizers said they expected the People's Banquet to attract a range of attendees from students to scholars to white collar workers. 组织者说他们预计大众晚宴将会吸引包括学生、学者、白领等在内的各个领域的人参加。
The lack of white collar workers has created a mercenary class of executives who bounce from job to job seeking wage increases of even just several hundred dollars a year. 因为白领工人的稀缺,很多唯利是图的中层管理人员为了只有几百块美元的年薪的增长,不断跳槽。
Social Support and Psychological Defensive Style in White Collar Workers with Cancer 白领癌症患者的社会支持与心理防御机制
Simple and unaffected house decoration suits the taste of white and Blue collar workers. 简单、质朴的居室装潢适合工薪阶层的口味。
White collar workers are beginning to feel the squeeze of inflation, as rising prices drag down quality of life for low and middle-income households, Economic Information Daily reported. 《经济参考报》消息,物价的持续上涨,使白领们也感到通胀的压力,部分中低层白领生活质量下降。
And for one day last week I was a plumber too-joining all three former white collar workers at their London firm to investigate the peculiar phenomenon of posh plumbers. 上周某日,我也当了一天水管工,在上述三位前白领的伦敦公司与他们会合,对奇特的“时髦水管工”现象进行调查。
This forum is dedicated to the exchange of workplace English for white collar workers. 为上班旅白领而设的商务英语交流博客。
Job loss more than doubled the likelihood of reporting fair or poor health among blue collar workers, but it had no effect on the health status of white collar workers. 在蓝领工作者之中,失业率增加一倍多会使他们身体健康变的不太好或者较差。但是这种情况对白领的健康状况并没有产生影响。
There were differences detected between blue collar and white collar workers who'd been fired, laid off or voluntarily left a job, however. 不管怎么样,蓝领、白领无论谁被解雇、下岗或者自愿离开都是有差别的。
Even many white collar workers have difficulty in buying or renting a house. 我国城市许多白领人士买房租房也很困难。
The Research on the Impact of Emotional Wake-up Model on the White Collar Women Workers 'Consumer Motivation 情绪唤醒对白领女性消费动机的影响研究